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Thread: Fish In Wish List

  1. #1

    Default Fish In Wish List

    Fish-Ins! Always an interesting event where things, stories, events, equipment, and practices are shared and besides being fun, often turn into a real learning event. When Jack sent me a note that we were going to have Eric Austin doing some fly tying demonstrations and "training", I got excited as I am NOT really good at fly tying and I see an opportunity to learn from Eric and all the others that will be there as well.

    I think it would be pretty cool if we had a wish list, so that everyone can put down what they wish they could see while there too, in addition to all the great stuff that we know we will see and do.

    As for me, I wish that we could get WarranP and Jack to do a furled leader demonstration, I would really like to learn that process. Another thing I wish I could see, I would like to see Ohiotuber get his arm caught inside his waders again....

  2. #2



    1 Safe travel for all, to and from.
    2 Pleasant weather.
    3 Good fishing.
    4 Last but not least, A Good Time Had By All!!
    I will bring my furling board and materials. If anyone has extra 6/0 Uni thread in their favorite color bring it along.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    I really want to see Jack holding down that cougar so I can get some cheap dubbing.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Heard the couger got all dead by gettin' all bit up from steppin' inter a nest of a hunterd 'rattlers. Safe now fer Betty.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Oh, my!

    And I was all ready, too! Had my bear spray, my whistle, my bells, snake boots, and a few songs to sing (badly) while roaming through the willows!
    Oh, wait a minute! You're just saying that to get me to leave all that at home, become animal fodder, and you guys won't have to worry! Just keep in mind, I don't have to be the fastest runner there! Only a few steps faster than you!!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Bear Country

    Betty: When I was a young man, while attending the Univ.of Alaska in the late 60's I worked as a research aid for the Forest Service and had the offical uniform, etc. I once was heading up a trail to measure some trees and this little old lady was coming down the trail with a double barrel shotgun craddled under her arm. In the middle of the trail I stopped and asked her if the gun was to keep the local bears at bay. She said no, it was to protect herself from young Forest Rangers. We both laughed and went on our ways.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gilbert, Iowa, USA


    Betty has been hanging out with the pirates too much, she's getting paranoid.

    Things I would like to see at a fish in:
    1. me
    2. me
    3. my gear
    4. my wife (she don't fish, yet)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default The way things really were.

    Years ago, in a lofty/drafty fortified residence overlooking 'Thee Squire's Pool', on the secluded and yet unheralded family controlled 'Exsthreem', the now oft quoted fly-fishing 'Scribe Of the Day', (those close to him just called him the old 'SOD', which actually caught on in later years) first coined those hallowed words when he found his fly fishing buddy, knife in hand, filleting a trout from the 'C&R' section, "You too Bubba? And that said, turned his back on his 'buddy' and stood gazing out over the minions picking onions. (*note- some translate that phrase incorrectly but we hold with the 'minions/onions' one.) As far as we know that was that and nothing more came of the affront. This was the exact visage and vista where only an epoch or two before those even more famous words resounded up and down the full length of the river 'Piddle,' "Number eleven. Thow/thee and thee'et shall keepest thine backast at all times elevated. That is on a higher plane, both morally and physically. 'Fishingus Flyus' is a lofty craft conceived craftily high in a loft be our 'maker' who later became well known for six-strip poles for radio antennas, but finding no use for them as such simply gave up and went fishing. The rest as they say, "is history."
    "Haveus thee a greatus day!"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.

    Default The 'skinney'...

    There are many types of fly casting but for Michigan I will focus mostly on teaching how to teach and how to help others learn. Sure, we have fun with distance stuff, but only using normal fly lines, just a fun thing that many enjoy playing at. No two-handed stuff, nothing that the 'Big-Boys' would call real casting. Kind of like a 'sand-lot' style of fly-casting. Yes, distance, curve casts, recoil, slack-line, pile, dump, jump, and a lot of other silly names. Hey, it's all good; if you like it... do it. I am not qualified to begin teaching fly-fishing and leave that to the professionals. My casting programs are part perspiration/part inspiration. We keep it lite and fun, humorous often, but a lot of learning seems to take place. I will advise that a camera/video will be a valuable addition to any class. This is for Wednesday afternoon at the lodge. Trust me on this::: There will be more than one surprise!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default quoteable quote

    J.C. on your lofy residence and other quoteable quotes mentioning of filet of C&R. I second your motion. If passed....what do we get? Signed utterly confused but otherwise amused in Michigan.

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