We've had some serious problems recently with Cougars in the area -- they have been spotted close to houses, one nabbed a 100 lb. husky dog right from a porch a month ago (the dog lived, the lion was shot). Bears around too. Everyone up here on the mountain enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, biking, fishing, camping, backpacking, that's why we live in such a remote area. So it's pretty much de rigeur to carry a pistol. Those who don't like guns carry pepper spray, some carry both.

Our neighbor was out hiking with her 8-year-old daughter this afternoon. They heard something snapping branches in the thick willows right behind them. Mom drew the pepper spray bottle, and took off the safety. Whatever it was went the other direction. She said, "Let's get out of here and run home FAST." She didn't replace the safety.

Do you see where this is going?

Yep, somehow while running home she sprayed her 8-year old daighter right in the face with the pepper spray. Sounds dumb, but stuff like that happens in a split second and can happen to anyone. Her daughter was in agony for over an hour, they were still 1/4 mile from home when it happened. After about 30 minutes and 15 gallons of water flushing her eyes and face, the girl was just fine, she came over here for a visit just a few minutes ago and was all smiles. While they were treating her, Dad tasted the pepper spray from her forehead--he said it burned his tongue worst than the strongest habanero pepper sauce he'd ever tried.

The Moral: treat pepper spray like it was a gun. It won't kill you, but for a while you'll WISH you were dead!

Here's one of the kitties that's been prowling around here, the photo is from an automatic game camera. Note the shredded ears, this one's been around the block a few times.