Try snap Casting, Make the fly jump back to a ring behind you.

Sitting on a bucket landing in a bucket.
I have a bar set up that I can lower to about 6 in off the ground (like a high jump bar) you cast under it to a target.
Want a really tough on? Three 3ft rings on stands about 10 ft high. Set one behind the other about 5 ft apart. Make your loop past through all three rings.
Back up to a wall and make a roll cast. OK you can stand 5 ft or so from the wall.
Set a target at 35 ft See who can get the most out of line with a aeral mend. Fly still has to land in the target.
Distance casting with a tip section only. Seven piece rod makes it real tough.

Thoes of you that like casting games The FFF Conclave in Livingstone,MT this summer will have some great games I am told.
ol Al

Ol' Flysoup
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