I use a super simple system. It takes a little longer to set up so it is not for sight fishing. All I have is a foldable anchor and rope that I attach to a carabeaner(hope I spelled that right). I decide where to put the anchor (bow or stern) based on the wind and desired casting postion. Let out the anchor in the back or front and when it hit bottom clip on a clip to that location. After that all you have to do is tie a knot in the rope and clip it on. This is the most field expedient way I have found to attach it, but when done you have to readjust the rope length at the next station. I use this method because I can't rig a mounted version on my inflatable. By attaching it at the bow or stern I am able to use the wind to line me up to cast. Once I come up with a better method I'll try to post it.