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Thread: Kayak on a Bus

  1. #1

    Default Kayak on a Bus

    Hey All,
    Just wanted to tell about my fishing yesterday. I started early to make it to the river by six (Town Lake here in Austin is part of the Colorado River). I had packed up my gear the night before so it was ready to roll. I had tried something that I saw on the history channel to transport my inflatable kayak(the Alpha Lone Star). I put it on my bicycle, something that the VC's did in Vietamn.One thing I learned in Iraq is that the enemy, no matter how much you try to stop them, can surprise you with their inovativeness. I was able to put the kayak in between the handle bars and the seat lashed down with bungie cords, and then put all my gear in the milk crate I use for storage on the rack on the back. Of course I can't ride it but I can take it to the bus stop easier. My wife and I share a car so usually I take the bus. Thats okay, saves on gas. Anyway the bus has a bike rack on the front here in Austin so I put it on there and rode to the river. After I got there locked up my bike and set up my kayak, I was on the water by six.
    The wind was kind of blowing(5 knots) so I headed for a small creek that I know called Shoal Creek(anyone who knows Austin is laughing because Shoal is not considered the most pristine). I knew that the Bluegills spawn back there something fierce. When I got there a lot of people had the same idea and were fishing from shore with bait. I then had a breakthrough and decided to head farther upstream. Shoal is a very shallow creek so I had to proceed with caution since most creeks dry up later in the spring. I even had to get out and pull the boat through an area. Finally I came to a hidden cove that was just gorgious. It was near the powerplant but away from the trail that joggers use by the creek. It was completely secluded. I beached first and got out and fished from shore but was having a hard time reaching the far shore, so I paddled out and anchored. From there I was able to cast to an area that ran right along the far bank. I caught so many BG's that I can't remember the number, a lot as big as my hand spread open. They were taking a dry fly that was called a Double Hackle (#12). I think I picked this fly up on FAOL, and it is real easy to tie.The Double Hackle is like a Renegade only the body is made with chenile. This version was all gray with two grizzly hackle, one at each end so it looked like a mosquito. I was throwing it to the far shore and the BG's were killing it. On one cast I caught a nice little one and a half pound (estimate) bass that slammed the fly just as ferousiosly as the gills. All told I caught some super fish. At about ten o clock the sun picked up and the fishing let off so I decided to head home. I also had a lot of things to do around the house so grudgingly I left. After beaching and packing up I went to the bus stop and waited to go home. The fishing was great and I now do not have to wait to have the car to take out the Alpha Lone Star. Pretty great day.

    [This message has been edited by Southside Sarge (edited 27 May 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    Sounds like a great outing!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Sarge,

    You paint a nice picture and I look
    forward to more exploits with the inflatayak
    in the future.*G* Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    THAT I like!
    ....lee s.

  5. #5


    Hey Folks,
    Thanks for the great feedback. Also happy Memorial Day to all, Especially fellow veterans. Well have to go.

    The enemy was many and they were but few,
    But they stormed the gates of hell with glory in their eyes,
    For tonight they sleep in Valhalla.

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