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Thread: It's warming up

  1. #1

    Default It's warming up

    Can't wait a few more days and i'll wet a line on the pond. Fishing and putting out the barley straw to minimize the algae during the year. Hope the ice melt is thru out the state.


    [This message has been edited by old geezer (edited 28 March 2006).]
    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mooresboro, NC, USA


    Beautiful pond .... made me wish I was there. Hope the ice clears soon. Good luck fishing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    Next time you take a pix of that pond, make sure my cedar strip canoe is in it! jgw

  4. #4


    old geezer;
    Very nice pond! I have a friend with a pond and an algae problem even though treated several time's last summer.
    I've heard of the barley straw used to minimize algae. Is there a formula of how much per acre and how to place it?

    Don't forget the Michigan Fish-In August 14th to the 20th. The Holy Water's of the Au Sable await you!!


  5. #5


    Jack Hise re filamentous algae or pond scum
    The barley defiantly works, 2 bales per acre is the formula. We take a bale and break it in half, then we stuff the barley into a netting of plastic with 2 liter pop bottles (2 per pouch) and then add more of the barley to sandwich in the bottles. Stitch or tie the bag up. I then attach a string and rock so they stay in a designated area.

    The barley will break down in about 6 weeks. When the sunlight shines onto the water, which contains dissolved oxygen, in the presence humic substances, hydrogen peroxide is formed.

    The low levels of Hydrogen peroxide curtail the spread of the algae and sterilize the single cell that remains. The slow decomposition of the straw ensures that humic substances are always present to catalyze this reaction.

    It is also very good for crustations or invertebrate animals and no harm to the fish. It is really very amazing how it works. You will also know how many turtles are on the pond; they love to sun themselves on the bales.

    I did a three-year study with Cornell using my pond (4 acre) its fed by drain tiles from a farm field on my south side. From time to time I get a charge of run off with lime, manure, or whatever drains thru the system and Nitrogen charges the algae growth. The barley has done the job and lasts for about 4-6 mos depending on water temp.

    Pack the straw loose so you get good circulation of water thru it. I?ll take a pick when the barley is out on the pond later for you.

    My current cost is $5 per bale and get 12 bales for my ponds, 4acre and 1/3 acre. Prices vary around the states.

    Hope the info helps

    The Geezer

    Fly fishing A jerk on one end waitng for a jerk on the other end.

    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

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