
Nice idea, but the trout, even those raised in captivity, will still take a fly.

It has to do with genetics. Trout are genetically programed to eat insects, minnows, etc.. This isn't 'learned' behavior, but something coded into their make up. Just being raised in captivity won't degrade millions of years of genetic encoding.

In fact, it's usually much easier to take stocker trout on flies than 'native' fish. And, flies always seem more effective for stocked fish than even powerbait or other such enticements. It's pretty common for a couple of fly fishrmen to catch and release fifty to a hundred stocked trout in the same time it takes a bait fisherman to catch and kill a limit.

If you are struggling to catch them, there are a couple of likely 'reasons'. First, are you fishing at the same depth that the fish are using? Most bait fishermen are fishing near the bottom, while the majority of fly fishermen tend to wotk the upper few feet of the water column.

Location can be important. Can you cast to reach where the fish are? Are they holding on some type of structure that is too far for you to cast to, but within reach of a spin fisherman?

Try varying your fly sizes and depths. Stocked trout aren't usually 'pattern picky' but size can be a factor. To get there more quickly, try a two fly rig. A wooly bugger with a small nymph behind it, a large dry with dropper and a nymph under it, etc.. This lets you offer two options to the fish, so that they can tell you what they prefer.

Varying the retrieve will let you find what the fish prefer for that day. Start fast, and then work slower until you find what the fish want.

Just keep varying and changing things until you start getting bit. You may have already tried all this, but, if not, maybe it will help.

Good Luck!


p.s; AND just for me, I'd much rather catch 'pesky' bluegills any day than trout. They are the 'perfect' fish for a fly rod angler.


[This message has been edited by Buddy Sanders (edited 13 April 2005).]