
The yellow Bass is a temperate bass (family Moronidae, genus Morone species mississippiensis) it is a close cousin to the quite Bass and the striped bass. It is the smallest of the temperate basses in Arkansas. The current state record is 1 lbs. 13 oz. (two specimens, one from Old River Lake in Pulaski County and another from Hargrove Reservoir in Arkansas County). There is no limit on Yellow Bass in Arkansas currently. Henry Robinson reported in his book "Fishes of Arkansas" that they are a lowland species found primarily in clear to turbid water in the backwaters of large rivers and especially in their associated oxbow lakes. He also reported that the largest Arkansas populations were in Lake Chicot (Chicot County), Horseshoe Lake (Crittenden County) and Mallard Lake (Mississippi County). He also reported that yellow Bass do not move into tributary streams for spawning runs anywhere near to the degree of their White Bass cousins.


I live about 90 minutes away from you. I must hook up with you sometime. I would love to add Yellow Bass to my short list of species caught on the fly rod.

Chuck Hitt