Excellent Ideas from you all. I figure I'll just send a combination of cash flies and possibly materials with my swap flies. I was just un aware of the problems I encountered when I first tried to mail everything for my first due swap. I'm currently in two others and have all my problems resolved.

I'll continue joining swaps and may possibly host one in the future. I think I'll wait until fall before joining anymore swaps though just due to free time to tie........fishing, work, fishing, brothers wedding, and more fishing..........but never enough fishing.

I've only been back to fly fishing for under a year after a 15 year break (Was too young at 14 to appreciate the finer things in life) and am fully addicted to all aspects of the sport. Fly fishing is exactly the challenge I was looking for in fishing and I must say the most rewarding fish I have ever caught were are all the rainbows I have landed this year on my Fly rod and on Flys I have tied.
