Broke my old Cortland graphite 5 wt last month, right on the butt section at the ferrule. Completely, absolutely my fault and not any kind of defect. Cortland already replaced one mid section of it last year from another break, for a grand total of $15 shipping. (It's my 'beater' rod!)

I pretty much agreed with many folk's positions on rod warranties during JC's big discussion about it last winter....I told our local Cortland pro shop that I felt guilty sending it back since it was my fault, not theirs. They told me -- send it in anyway. The worst they can say is no, and warranty service is built into the price of the rod (it's a cheap rod, $120 or so).

Just got a brand new GRX in at the shop today with my name on the tag, packed in my old rod case and sock, with shrink wrap still on the grip. With a note attached saying they no longer had any replacement sections for that model, so here's a brand new one. Total cost? $15 for shipping.

Thumbs up to Cortland! I'll try to be more careful with this one.