Harleybob you rock mate.

Uncle Barry - hi there stranger.

I thought I had replied to this thread but apparently not....

I am a paramedic and currently work in an emergency communications center. I have also been in writing/advertising and still do a bit of fishing writing and advertising work. Mostly I just like to do stuff all if I can! I have a farm and animals and all that gear, a great family and try to fish as much as I can because I believe that all the money I make will only go to somebody else, because one day I will wake up dead.

If I'm on my death bed one day with some tubes stuck in me I'd rather be thinking back on beautiful streams and great fishing mates than all the work I did.

On a brighter note I have been travelling a lot to fish lately because of the drought here in Australia, so it has forced me to take regular trips to Tasmania and New Zealand where there is water - and loving it too.

Great thread guys, well done. It seems all of us are hard wotkers, average people, and most with a story or two to tell..... Shame we are all so far apart.