I'm from West Newton, PA (within walking distance of the Youghigheny River - actually I can see it outside of my window right now).

Anyway, if you're fishing this area or the beatiful trout stream of the Laural Mountains here's what I'd recommend for this time of year:

Blue Winged Olive #20 and #18
Olive Woolly Bugger #10
Adams (can't ever go wrong with the Adams) #14, #16 and #18
Royal Wulff #14 and #16
March Brown #16
Little Black Stonefly #18 and #20
Hare's Ear Soft Hackle Nymph #14
Pheasant Tail Nymph #14, #16, #18
Blue Quill #18
Gray Ghost #8

In a few weeks you'll want to add some Caddis flies.

Hope this helps.


All along this path I tread, my heart betrays my weary head
With nothing but my love to save, from the cradle to the grave