This is the first I have been able to return to my computer. I am at a loss for words. How can I ever thank you folks enough for you emails and posts? Your prayers and well wishes worked. That was the longest time since I was in the army that I have gone without sleep and it really took a toll on me. I was to the point where I just wanted the pain to end not matter what. Still in pain but at least now it's bearable.

I went to the doctor and we set a plan into action. Strict ibuprofen regimen, knee brace, MRI and go to the orthopedic surgeon. Doc felt a lot of grinding and popping in the knee with a reduced stability. She told me that the X-ray was normal but that X-ray doesn't show what is really happening there and something is wrong. She said the surgeon will determine if the left knee can be reconstructed or needs replaced. I also have to use arch supports as I have falling arches and there is a cyst in the arch of my left foot. Boy, that surgeon is going to earn his money with me!

'Tuber called me during his lunch break and beat me up over the phone tonight, lol . He told me to suck it up and he's right. To my joy he didn't fall asleep in mid conversation this time. It may take me some time but I will respond to all of your emails. I may not be able to post as often as I like to but I will continue to post.

The All Mighty guided me to this place because He knew I was going to need you folks. I now know that when He created all of you He was creating Angels for paradise. I can never thank all of you enough for what you have done for me. Bless all of you.

Eric "nighthawk"

American veteran and proud of it!