A young couple, who are friends of mine, are trying to establish themselves in the flyfishing industry. They are representatives of Vosseler reels and vices. They came to a local fly shop this past weekend and demonstrated their considerable flytying skills. I got an up-close look at the Vosseler vice, and also tried the reels. Impressive! Quality and price would be very hard to beat. The vice holds large hooks from four directions instead of two, and they stay put. Take a look on [url=http://www.vosseler-reels.co.uk:f09d0]www.vosseler-reels.co.uk[/url:f09d0] for more info. They are made in Germany. I could hook you up with these folks, if you're interested. Their quality is great as well. My e-mail address is in my profile.

Are you interested in doing a product review J.C.?


[This message has been edited by Lew (edited 31 January 2006).]