A while back I made a post about military disability and social security benefits. I just found out that even though I've been paying into Social Security for 35 years... which I know doesn't actually affect my situation ... and being 100% service connected disabled, my application for Social Security was denied. Even though the job I was working paid less than the required amount considered by Social Security as a suitable income, they still said no. What really made the whole thing even more ridiculous is the judge that I saw that supposedly earns his 6 figures a year said...if I don't make the minimum required, get a second job. I'd love to see these morons lose a little of their haughtiness and come down to the real world and try to live on what they think everyone should be able to. Thankfully, I have the military disability pay so I'm better off than allot of people that apply. It's ridiculous. The rich get richer and the poor common folk get dumped on. My lawyer has appealed.


There is no greater fan of flyfishing than the worm.

Patrick McManus