Anti-virus software? anti-Spyware? anti-Adware? Gosh, I've never used them. I DO have a great firewall, tho, but it came free with the OS. I switched to Linux 5 years ago, and as IT director for our company, I decreed ALL company computers run Linux, no Windows allowed. If we were running windows, I'd never have time to fly fish.

Seriously, though, Linux is not for everyone. You may not be able to play all of the cutesy movie clips the people email to you (though, most work fine), and some specialized windows applications don't have an equivilant and won't run on a windoze emulator. But all basic and most advanced business applications work just fine on it.

The Linux community reminds me a lot of the ham radio community. If you can find an "Elmer" locally that can help you thru the few windows-specific things you find that won't run, you'll never turn back.