For a bit of relevence- with gas prices on the rise and not likely to ever be as low as they were only a year or two ago, you're probably going to be seeing a lot more cyclists on the road. Not only recreational cyclists, but people riding bikes for affordable transportation.

That being said, I'd like to remind motorists that cyclists share the same rights to use our roadways as you do. So when you pass somebody on a bike, treat them with respect, and drive safely. When you pass a cyclist, give them some room, and if you can't move over, slow down. Don't pass a cyclist in an intersection. Don't cut cyclists off (sometime's we're moving faster than you think). Being a courteous driver means being courteous to everyone (And it goes both ways, too).

To put things in perspective, imagine yourself in a Honda Civic. Every other car on the road is a semi truck travelling two to four times your speed. You have every right to be out there, but how comfortable does that make you feel?

As a cyclist, I do my best to be safe and courteous around motorists. We really appreciate it when you do the same for us.

Oh. . . and this post might have something to do with a particular cyclist who was run off the road yesterday, who is about to go get his hip x-rayed. . . who is not very happy about the whole ordeal.