I think of teenage years as the time for kids to make mistakes. Better as a teenager while we can support them and help them get back on target, rather than as a young adult where they have to suffer the consequences on their own and returning to the 'right' path is harder.

I say expect teen aged kids to make mistakes, and some of them will be big ones. Be there for them. Sometimes it means giving them a kick in the arse to help them get moving in the right direction and other times it means giving them a hug and kiss and saying nothing. If raising kids was something that you could do cookie cutter style, then we would all have perfect children. If only it were possible.

My advice, be honest, be flexible, hold to any threat or promise you make and if you need to, condemn the action, but not the child. Remember that the consequences should relate to the infraction. If a child breaks a window, he/she should have to replace it. Sending them to bed without supper leaves a child hungry, the window broken and everyone feeling bad. If the child fixes the window they learn how to fix windows, that you can make restitution and resolve a situation and in the end everyone feels like they got what they need.
