Took a group of Boy Scouts to Wood National Cemetary on Saturday in preperation for Memorial Day. We started out placing flags on an area of flats. As we approached it looked like a lawn. We placed acouple thousand flags and watched it transformed to a Holy place. We than moved to another area that had graves from the Civil and Spanish American War I've never been prouder of gooofy 11-13 boys who did their job with respect and not to much complaining. We were just about done when we were approached by a Gentleman in a Campaign hat and Vietnam war T-shirt. He asked us if we had any extra flags. I asked him if we could assist him in some way. He was doing a section by himself so I volunteered the kids to another half hour of work. At every garve this man stood at attention, saluted, and placed the flag. My kids became silent. He thanked us We thanked him and before we left I tried to put into words how I felt." Regardless of the war, service branch, rank, or gender these people were that man's brothers and sisters". Sometimes it's the simple moments that put things into perspective.