First, let me say that I am NOT a fan of electronic fishing aids. Part of the reason I love flyfishing is the simplicity.

This morning, I flipped the tv on, hoping to see a flyfishing show in progress. Instead, I got Bill Dance instructing fishermen(??) in the use of a damned "idiot box" (MY description) that apparently has a speaker that is put in the water & you can duplicate sounds such as shad & other prey of the fish you seek to catch, thus drawing your catch to your boat! I am APPALLED that a sportsperson would resort to such a lousy in Ohio, chumming is illegal & if this is not a form of chumming, please correct me. I apologize for my rant, but IMHO, when & if we resort to tactics/equipment of this order, we are no longer "fishing".
Pardon me, but this one P*SSED me off!..and apparently a full 1/2 hour show was devoted to it's use...YES, I turned it off!

[This message has been edited by ohiotuber (edited 14 May 2005).]