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Thread: HBO Boxing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA

    Default HBO Boxing

    Now I am not a big boxing fan, but I will say it has been a long, long time since I watched a fight that was this awesome. The Morales vs. Pacquiao fight that was rebroadcast from last weekend was one of those bouts where the boxers were truly at it, toe to toe for 12 rounds. If you get a chance to see it and are a boxing fan, then you will be thrilled.


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  2. #2
    nighthawk Guest


    Glad to hear there are at least two real fighters out there. I quit watching boxing when guys like Tyson came on the scene.

    Eric "nighthawk"

  3. #3


    Brings back memories of the old Ali fights!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    I just saw the fight re-played . WOW !
    I can think of no better praise than to compare them to Gatti and Ward . Thank You very much for alerting me to this great match . One of them might have won , but neither of them lost . I wish it had been a draw .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Boston, Massachusetts


    The shame about Tyson is that when he came on the scene he was defferential to the history of boxing and was truly a good "fighter". It was tough to tell b/c he knocked people out so quickly he never had time to show it.

    Unfortantely when his trainer Cus Damato died he became what he is today. A shame really.

    [This message has been edited by eponymous (edited 03 April 2005).]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    I'm with you. Sad part is that the mentality which we don't care for is not just limited to boxing. My interest in competitive sport is a fraction of what it used to be, although I still love my Browns, Indians, & Cavaliers.
    You are right! The man literally raised Tyson & when he died, unfortunately, MT let all the good the man did die with him.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  7. #7


    "Gatti vs. Ward."

    Is that how this thread ties into fly fishing? [G]

    Sorry, [well maybe not] just couldn't resist. ...glad we are "allowed" a little deversion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Milwaukie, OR, USA


    Didn't see the Morales vs. Pacquiao fight but did see the Gatti, Ward war. You're right, there were no bigger hearts in boxing that night. Two real warriors.

    When Tyson came on the scene I really liked the kid. I thought here's a kid that is really going to amount to something, good for him. After Cus died, he seemed to do ok for awhile and of course later, when he hooked up with Don King he self-destructed. He was an amazing young fighter, a real student and practitioner of the art of boxing. Too bad that the people around him in those days let him destroy himself.

    There have been many really good fighters over the years and some who could have been. Evander Hollyfield was a favorite of mine. What a machine he was in his day. I'm not sure there is another fighter that had his heart and discipline. Joe Frazer was another of my favorites along with ol George Forman (the young & old ones). That man had some of the heaviest hands in boxing. Probably still does.

    Anyone watching the Contenders? What a punk show that is. You got Stallone and Leonard making a bundle on the lives of guys who should have hung up their gloves the first time. Around here we call them tomatoe cans. Too bad those two did the show. Can we say exploitation!

    Of course there are many more great fighters I could mention. Some that were just fighters and others were the complete packages, fighters and entertainers.

    And then there is women's boxing. What's the deal with the short rounds! They ought to fight the same as the men in my opinion. Hopefully, some more really good ones will emerge. My wife doesn't like watching the women fight and I will admit, if the fight isn't a good one, neither do I. Difference is that she doesn't like watching the small guys either and they give us some of the best fights. Yeah, the heavy weights can put on a show too but not as fast or as furious.

    Wonder how many of them fly fish? (obligatory fly fishing connection! LOL)

    Happy Trails!

    [This message has been edited by Ronn Lucas (edited 03 April 2005).]
    Happy Trails!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    Sorry JC , I forgot to mention I was tying a fly while watching the fight on tv .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  10. #10


    Remembering watching TV with my Granny when I was 8 years old. We would watch the "Gillette Friday Day Night Fight of the Week", while she was smoking her cigars, while tying up some Fishing Flies to support her meager Widow's Pension. She was an advid Boxing Fan, even more so than her love for Professional Wrestling.

    There she would be bent over the vise while watching the TV, cussing blue streak that would make a sailor blush, when the boxer she was rooting for got hit below the belt....ah my sweet old Granny.

    Years later, when I saw the movie "Rocky", how Burgess Meredith looked and talked, reminded me of my Dear Old Granny (Sortof)!

    I never got in trouble at school for repeating any of the phrases I learned from my Granny, because of my speech inpediment. Everything sounded like... "dirty brackenfratz!"

    Thank you for bringing back the fond memories.....

    ~ Parnelli

    "Down in the bottom of the Itty Bitty Pool.
    Swam Three Little Fishies, and a Mommy Fishy too.
    "Swim", said the Mommy Fishy, Swim if you can.
    And they, swam swam, all over the Dam!"

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 08 April 2005).]

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