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Thread: Ethics and Great Lakes Steelhead.

  1. Default Ethics and Great Lakes Steelhead.

    Couple of days ago I pretty much wound up my steelhead season here in Ohio. The reason being? Spending hour upon hour of casting to good holding water that held fish, but no takers. The fish have hit the beds and like drunk coeds they have nothing else on their minds but sex.

    I picked up one dropback fish and the odd freshy, but other than that donut.

    Which brings me to the point of my post. Why do people rake the gravel? Ok its one thing to point out that our runs are almost completely stocked fish(Did pick up my first Ohio Wild fish 3 weeks ago!), but the risk of snagging is phenomenal.

    I was fishing a tailout that was between a long gravel stretch about 50 yards upstream and a long stretch of fast water downstream. Looking upstream I saw 7 anglers fishing what could only be an area about 30 yards in length. Id look up there and every other guy would have a fish on. Well I took a rest from the pool and walked upstream to take a look at the shale falls that were just above this area. Sat down to eat my lunch and watched the show.

    Fish after fish came in, or were broke off. All of them snagged in one area of the body or another. One guy fought an average size two year fish for 20 minutes..........Because he had snagged it in the tail.

    One of these guys pulled one out that was snagged.... Removed the hook and had his buddy take a picture of him and his trophy.

    Saw a guy drifting to a fish directly downstream that was holding in fast water. Lift and hook. It runs downstream past me and a guy I know as a regular through my winter fishing there, and we both notice the size 8 sucker spawn sticking out of its dorsal. We inform him that its snagged, he swears that it isnt his fly. Fish shakes the fly and lo and behold it was his fly.

    After all this nonsense I decided to head downstream to some holding water I knew about towards the confluence of the main river. By this time the sun was out and the fish were a little skittish, or trying to get to gravel so only one other taker which promptly spat my fly and took off downstream.

    Well one of the guys I saw earlier comes up on me while Im rerigging my leader and fly and starts up a conversation. Directly in front of me there is a slot that I know holds a few fresh fish. I take a look at the guys rig and the split shot is 6 inches above the fly! Well there are no laws in Ohio concerning split to fly distance so there was nothing I could do.

    A couple minutes later his buddy shows, Im still rigging because Im splitting my time between yacking with this yahoo and trying to tie a knot. Well the second guy stops. Takes a look across the water. Spots the fish and promptly wades halfway through(Mind you the stream is only 30 feet in diameter here and I was standing back from the shore ten feet and drifing the area) and tosses out about three feet of fly line and the rest leader right on these fish, drifts sets the hook and snags a bright hen. Lands the fish and unhooks it while his buddy stands on the fishes tail. Lifts it up for a picture, the whole time this fish is dropping eggs everywhere.

    At that point I broke what was a long standing record of tolerance and let loose with the longest string of profanity I think Ive ever uttered. Now these two guys who had to have been twice as old as me gave me a stupid hang dog look and promptly left.

    Why do people do stuff like this? Is it mostly ignorance of how to properly fish these waters? Or is it deliberate because theyre too stupid to notice the difference?

  2. #2


    Avarice and Greed.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  3. #3


    I'm sitting here after reading the above and it occurs to me that this may not be too different from the rifle hunter who pumps multiple wounding bullets into a game animal to finally bring it down and then proudly proclaims his prowese...what do you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    Do those lake living, hatchery bred "steelhead" really deserve the same respect and treatment that we give a wild fish?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Conway, AR, USA


    I hunt too..and think more like a sniper. One bullet = one kill. Folks that wound, wound, wound and wound tend to be ones that didn't do their home work and don't deserve a hunting license.

    Wounding is similar to snagging fish. We all do it sometimes, but the goal is to make it rarely.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Calling that type of person a hunter and that type of person a fisherman is like calling a person that frequents a house of illrepute, a lady's man!
    .....lee s.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Years ago, before I took up flyfishing, a friend & I waded a stretch of the Chagrin River in Wiloughby, Ohio. We got skunked on spinners, but I couldn't believe the number of fish being purposely "snagged" with large trebles hooks. Paul & I were actually made fun of for "fishing"!!
    Lee..."lady's man"...LMAO!!!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  8. Default

    Benjo.Do they deserve the respect?

    Sure. And heres why. Im sure Im with you on many levels, Id love to have a self sustaining wild run of steelhead. The upper tributaries of these rivers have proven to yield a self sustaining(Although fragile) population of native brookies and a minor amount of wild steelhead. Sadly development and the horrid environmental history of my state leave that almost a non-option. Also many of them flow too low in the summer to support the fry.

    My point being is that they are stil sportfish. Now I wont lie to you and make you believe Im some bleeding heart who feels for the fish and has never taken one for table myself, but I do respect the fishery. Thats what its all about. Respect for something, that though its manmade is a natural wonder.

    Displays like those above are what gives creedence to animal rights organizations to continue attacking our sport(Though I dont think I need to tell anyone here that sportsmen ARE the reason we have any wild places and animals left.).

    As for proper technique JC.. Id say just using common sense. Cast to the current seam so you arent lining fish. Keep split to fly distance farther apart by weighting your fly and know the difference between a fishes take and getting the fly bumped by it. Ive been fishing these tribs since I was a little kid and honestly Ive only foul hooked two. One of them was a fish I saw swerve out of a pool and swipe at my fly I set on him, pulled him in and he had it sticking out of the bottom of his kype.

    Oh well just had to get that out of my system. Thanks for the replies.

  9. Default

    Its legal to fish the redds. But I would say unethical. Snagging fish is illegal but then you run into the whole debate of whether its intended or not. Ive heard that if a fish is determined to be snagged DNR requires you to either land the fish quickly or break it off.

    Bait guys can do some pretty boneheaded things too, but they rarely snag fish due to the nature of their rigs. Its not really a fly versus bait versus spin debate anyways. Id say if you put it in their mouth more power to you.

    My point being if you go out fishing and every time you hook up its in some place other than the fishes mouth you would try to change things up. I wouldnt care if someone was out fishing a Tarpn rig, as long as they were catching them legally and showing a little respect.

    And I agree that perception can account for alot. I guess Im too much of an idealist.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Idaho falls ID. USA


    I would invite you to go to fishing reports and look at Easter on the Henery's fork.


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