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Thread: Minimum wt fly rod for Striped Bass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cleona,pa, 17042

    Default Minimum wt fly rod for Striped Bass

    Okay I think the minimum wt fly rod for Striped bass inshore, non surf fishing, is a 9' 9wt. What's everyone's else opinion on this matter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    hmmmm...kind of a loaded question...of course you could catch most stripers with a 7 wt or even a 6, so the minimum is significantly lower than 9. but if you want to land a fish quickly so it will live, and if you want to be prepared if you do get that 40 incher, i agree with the 9 (which is all i fish)

  3. #3


    Ive caught stripers on rods from 4wt to 10wt but my go to rod for the salt is an 8wt.It depends on how much backbone a rod has so a good 8wt can put as much pressure on a fish as a 9wt.Just my personal preference.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Boston, Massachusetts


    5 is my minimum - mostly in spring and late fall when I know the wind is low and the fish are small.

    Do a lot with a 7. No problem for most fish. Just be carefull to fight from way down in the butt of the rod.

    Use the 9 a lot when the wind is up or I am on a boat or casting in surf.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060


    I use a 9 wt. with a butt extension, and a reel with a disc-drag. I use a shooting taper line. Bear in mind that I usually fish for fresh-water stripers, not the marine variety. I don't know if there is much difference between them as far as size and how they fight. In the tail-races where I Striper-fish, you have to contend with a heavy current, and it can be a problem when a large one gets downstream of you. I'd like to get a 10 wt. with an extension for stripers someday.

    Semper Fi!

    [This message has been edited by Gigmaster (edited 09 January 2006).]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cleona,pa, 17042


    I'm after the saltwater stripers. The 9wt will double for a pike rod.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    If you are talking one rod, all year long, all situations I would say an 8 wt. in sthe minimum. 9 is a bit heavy for small schoolies, 7 is too light for the bigger fish and a 8 will swing both ways. If you asked which rod weight would you buy if you had only one rod I would probably choose a 9. I use an 8 but find it a little underpowered in heavy wind or big fly situations. I am looking to go up to a 9 or 10. Haven't figured out which one yet.


  8. #8


    My striper rod is a 9' 9wt. I have taken my 8wt out wth me but because I like using heavy weighted bunny divers to get the fly down in the current; it felt underpowered for longer casts, too much flyweight counteracting line weight and speed. An 8wt. could handle most inshore fish but I like the heavier rod because it slings the heavier flies out easier particuarly from sitting in my kayak.

    I too am thinking about the next rod being a ten weight for the surf.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I hooked up on a good size striper one night when using an 8wt.
    Scared the bejezzies out of me.
    Never brought an 8 again.

    When I was a kid I would use an old glass 6wt to catch snapper blues. That was fun.
    But I never went that low when expecting to catch real fish.

    I fish my 10wt most of the time when I fish from shore. Much better in the wind than a 9wt. In the kayak, I like the lighter weight 9.
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    We find that we gravitate to the 10wt more and more for tossing the stuff we use for stripers and largemouth. For stripers, it easily handles the lines and flies. For largemouth, it does the same PLUS drags the victims thru the poop we toss into.
    ....lee s.

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