Eleuthera awaits on the 23rd arrive at 2:40 pm, I hope my pink puffs and crabs work. I'll be walking the beaches from sunrise to sunset. Stopping for a Kalik and some nourishments on the way.

Acuna, the velcro crab is an easy tie, might want to put a weed gaurd on a few in green for the turtle grass

I'll be at Unique village


I look into... my fly box, and think about all the elements I should consider in choosing the perfect fly: water temperature, what stage of development the bugs are in, what the fish are eating right now. Then I remember what a guide told me: 'Ninety percent of what a trout eats is brown and fuzzy and about five-eighths of an inch long.' - Allison Moir.

I wonder if he ever fished Saltwater

[This message has been edited by old geezer (edited 19 March 2005).]