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Thread: Here are a few tips

  1. #1

    Default Here are a few tips

    1. Practice casting. The sooner you get proficient the sooner you can actually think about fishing.
    2. A very fast action rod like the Redington CPS is easier to learn with.
    3. Get a rod with at least 4 pieces and a tube so you can take it anywhere. Start with a 5 or 6 wt. Get a floating line and a SA Stillwater sinking line.
    4. Buy a good reel like a Ross from the get go. You wont regret it. Get an extra spool.
    5. Nail knot your leader on your line and follow through with super glue. (For fish up to 12 lbs.) It hangs up less and collects less muck.
    6. Get someone who is experienced to watch you cast and make corrections.
    7. Find a more experienced friend to follow and learn from. You will save a lot of agravation.
    8. Start out fishing with small flies (12, 14,16) Big fish eat small flies, but small fish cant eat the bigger ones, so you are more likely to catch.
    9. Stay quiet and as invisible as possible near the water. Stealth is parmount!
    10. Learn to enjoy the whole process from the moment you wake early in the morning until you start heading home. Fishing is a journey not a destination.
    11. Don't kill fish you arent going to eat. Try and put most back ASAP.
    12.Fish size is irrelevant. If you fooled him into taking your fly that is all that matters.
    13. Fish eat mostly underwater.
    14. Read as much as you can.
    15. It will take you about 4 years to get proficient, so enjoy the years.
    16. Wear polarized glasses. You dont want a hook in your eye, and they enable you to see into the water. (Wear sun block too)
    17. Hip waders are more comfortable than full waders.
    18. Fly tying is fun. Get a kit and have someone teach you to get you started.
    19. Trout spend 90% of their time near the bottom and look for food within less than a foot of their face. Concentrate your efforts there. Get your fly in close or you don't stand a chance.
    20. 75% of your effort should be in presentation. It should look natural. That's why beginners have such a tough time.

    [This message has been edited by Migs (edited 24 February 2006).]

    [This message has been edited by Migs (edited 24 February 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Yep, I like THAT!
    Oh yeah, and "study" FAOL.
    ....lee s.

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