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Thread: FLy tying for small kids

  1. #1

    Default FLy tying for small kids

    My daughter is dying to help me tie flies. She's a very artsy 4-year old. The only thing that concerns me is having a very active youngster around the sharp hooks. What sort of safer alternatives to a sharp hook exist so my daughter can tie with me? Can someone point me in right direction?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    Clip the tip.

    They're just fish, right? Right?

  3. #3


    Mike - My daughter is 5 and ties with me - she has been tying since 3. I place the hooks in the jaws for her and bury the point. No problem. I don't let her use a bodkin and make sure shj's careful with the scissors - no problem! Have fun - I have a pretty nice collection of my daughters flies - they're precious. Cheers, Alec

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    superglue a bead over the hook point and have her tie up some flies that can be used for earrings, decorations, pins, etc.
    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  5. #5


    The best is to bury the point and be sure to keep her first flies in a safe place for the future. My granddaughter loves seeing her first fly that I have framed in my tying room. Without my knowing it she made one up at your daughters age as a gift to me with colored paper and scotch tape. Now a senior art student in college she can tie with the best of us in a local club.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    I have never tried this but I think you could cut a small piece of craft foam to slip onto the hook point before putting it in the vice. This should offer sufficient protection.

    all leaders tangle; mine are just better at it than most. Jim
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  7. #7


    Good suggestions all. Start her out with some of Al's Punch Yarn fly's. I've got some pink, purple and blue I'll send you as she may want to get creative with color's too.
    I've got to pick up some "Boa" yarn for a swap, very colorful stuff and makes some neat Stealhead fly's.
    I'll send you some photo's of what I've tied.
    I'm going to do some Blue Gill fishing on a friend's pond later this month. Maybe you could bring her along and let her try my 6' 6" 2 wt.!

    Don't forget the Michigan Fish-In August 14th to the 20th. The Holy Water's of the Au Sable await you!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Southern Idaho, USA


    Good suggestions. If you don't want to bury the tip in the vise, you can cut a small piece of cork (not from your handle) to cover it. That will also make her conscience of location and method of wrapping the thread.

    Cork from a wine bottle would work handsomely.

    Have fun!

    Let us know if her flies catch any fish.


  9. #9


    Thanks everyone. These are a bunch of great suggestions.

    Jack, I'd love to bring her gill fishing. When you get a chance, please shoot me an e-mail with the particulars. I'll bring her Mickey rod too.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    Mike be sure to get a casting bubble so she can use her flies with that mickey rod.

    all leaders tangle; mine are just better at it than most. Jim
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

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