I'll say Spey Wing Green Highlander.

3 hours, I worked on this fly last night, Ended up tying it twice, the first time, I had the Yellow floss as the butt. Trying to mount the wing I disturbed the floss on the butt and it looked really bad, never did get the wing to set properly.

On the second attempt of this fly, I omitted the yellow floss but as I knew the wing would give me issues once again.

For 1 hour and 20 minutes I sat there trying to mount a spey wing. In the end I just settled for this, not perfect but not the best either. I reviewed Ron's wing mounting tricks and went with the one that is the easiest, one on top of the other.

My greatest accomplishment during this session. Didn't loose my patience once and not one curse word left my mouth, .

I've pictured 3 angles, the wings are a little on the thin side, but they are there at least, . What's dissapointing is you can see the edge of one of the feathers on the far side shot.

Well, I'm gonna try a few more at some point today.

Thanks for the Bronze Mallard Ron, this went much better than previous attempts, .

[This message has been edited by Newfoundlander (edited 13 April 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Newfoundlander (edited 13 April 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Newfoundlander (edited 13 April 2006).]