You might be able to find a copy of Flies for Atlantic Salmon by Dick Stewart, Farrow Allen. It went out of print, but I heard that it was coming back. It doesn't have lots of step-by-step, but it is a very good pattern reference book with good photos. This is an excellent reference for tying salmon flies for fishing. Exhibition flies are a different kettle of ..... well,.... fish.

I can't think of how you could do better than the section Ronn Lucas has contributed here.

Hans' Danica.com site is also a really good reference for lots of patterns. Some really good commercial and exhibition tyers have their work posted. You can work from a good visual reference. [url=http://www.danica.com/flytier/index.html:3d14c]http://www.danica.com/flytier/index.html[/url:3d14c]
