I haven't posted in a while but I had to let those interested know -

I just purchased 2 No.1 necks from Denny at Conranch Hackle.

The first is ---well uh! -- for want of a better term---kinda like red ginger/cree style but without the dark barring which has been replaced by dun barring. Georgeous!!! One of the most buggy looking necks I've seen in 30+ years of tying. (My wife tried to swat it when she saw it.) It has a good sweet spot and will tie plenty of 26-28's and some true 30's. (And he told me he just recently developed this color - I can't wait to see a couple of generations from now.)

The second neck was a grizzly, which I feel is the most important color for what I needed the neck for, that is to tie tiny stuff.

I can't really describe this neck and do it justice - but I'll try.

Color - magnificient, distinct, clean barring with vivid black and white contrast

Sweet Spot - huge

Stems - soft and pliable

Barbs - Lots and lots

Sizes - This is the most amazing. The neck wil tie a good number of true 32's.

I fell in love with the varient neck but when I looked at the griz I was flabbergasted. I have never seen a neck like it even from "m" or "W/H"

And the PRICE - $65 each plus a few bucks for shipping (which, by the way was priorty mail.)

And to top it off, Denny processes his necks and leaves the soft patches on the side - they have the same color and can be used for streamers and a bunch of other stuff.

I've put myself on Denny's list for the "best Cree" he can raise for me. - I can't wait. I'm not even going to tie with it - I'm going to mount it.

Obviously I recommend Conranch hackle extrordinarily high.

Thanks Denny!!


[This message has been edited by otterly cool (edited 02 March 2006).]