About a month ago I put a package of strung peacock herl and an eyed feather on the dash of my truck for it to turn bronze. I figured the Arizona sun would make short work of it, but it isn't happening. Am I too impatient?

In observing the peacock for a month in many different lights, I've seen some color shifts that I was not expecting. In addition to the common iridescent blue and green, I have seen it to be iridescent yellow/charteuse. When back lit, and without a metallic sheen, it appears a dark olive rather than black as I had assumed it to be.

Peacock is one of my favorite materials for trout flies. The bronze peacock I've used in the past has been through random chance and probably mixed in with regular colored herls. I've never consciencely noticed a difference in the effectiveness of these flies tied with these bronze herls.

I was wondering what others experience is with bronze peacock?