You asked about "Spectrumized Dubbing", I prefer to use the term "Iridescent Dubbing"!
"Spectrumized" is a Trademark word, and not a legitimate word in any dictionary I have searched, while "Iridescent" is a legitimate word in every dictionary that I have searched.

Both words can be used, "Spectrumized" can only be used for a specific manufacturer's product, while "Iridescent" applies to any material that has the same characteristics.

"Iridescent"[adjective] of the word "Iridescence"[noun] which means "...a rainbow like display of color"

Yes I use Iridescent Dubbing, for my Nymph and Wet, and Streamer patterns. The mixture of different colored fibers in the dubbing, causes a subtle illumination of the fly abdomen/thorax. I have found that the same pattern with Iridescent Dubbing, outperforms the same pattern tied with a single colored dubbing.

My source for Iridescent Dubbing is Ronn Lucas Sr., who is a Sponsor of FAOL.


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