I tie thousands of flies per year, but help me, I am terrible at tying an egg with glo bug yarn. It's hard to get round, and I always end up with the thread showing through the yarn where I tied it onto the hook. So, I've started using McFly Foam, and my eggs are near perfect. Keep in mind, I am tying size 18-22 eggs most of the time.

On a recent visit to the fly shop, they had only glo bug yarn and no foam, so I was forced to buy the glo bug yarn. The shop owner said he may buy some Mcfly Foam, but he likes the way glo bug yarn looks when wet. Have you found this true? The material itself looks more translucent, and more crinkled than the foam, and I can see where it looks different. Is it that big a deal? Thanks,

Late to bed,
Early to Rise,
Guide all day,
Tie more flies!