On FAOL there has been many postings over the years about someone being a Mentor. What is a "Mentor, do we really understand the true meaning of the word?

Mentor is a unusual word, that is rarely used, who's meaning is never quite fully understood.

Merriam-Webster Reference Library defines a "Mentor" as follows...

Mentor(noun): A trusted counselor or guide.

Notice the the word "Mentor" is a noun, which means it is a person, . That the "Mentor is a counselor or guide.

Counselor is one who give advise, but is not a teacher.

Guide is one who leads or directs another's course. One who shows or explains points of interest or importance.

One other aspect of "Mentor", that is not mentioned, is the ability to impart the belief, that anything and everything is possible! To impart the belief in one's self worth, and to discover hidden talents and skills, one did not know they possessed.