I have observed something I think is strange. The rods I have been looking at like Sage, St. Croix, and more expensive ones like Thomas & Thomas, and Winston seem to have a huge number of fast action rods and only a few moderate and slow action ones. When people talk about the rods that top all rods, Bamboo comes up quickly. As far as I know Bamboo is the slowest of all actions (full flex). So why are fast action rods so popular to a point but when you reach the cream of the crop the flex of the rod goes from one extreme to the other. Personal preference is a huge part of it but what?s going on here. Is it just bigger and better, newer and longer casts for those that can cast those stiff rods? Obviously I prefer a slower action so I don't have to snap my arm in half trying to load my rod. What is your take on this?
