I'll add my appreciation for your efforts to maintain this site for the small community of us who continue to support it. I have forgotten why, but back in the summer I went through the site to see who had posted something over the last 2 years. I came up with only 83. So, some pruning may be in order. I am illiterate when it comes to knowing everything it take to maintain or modify a site like this. So I won't comment on that other than to say I will support any funding that may be needed to keep and/or update the mechanic required. Like many of us, I have a few buck lying around. As for BLOGs, I say bring them on where possible. I can certainly sympathize with you on being busy with job related time/issues. Seem like I am busier than ever though partially retired. I know this is kinda wordy, but let us know if we can help in any way.