Koi have been on my fly rod bucket list for many years. Caught 13 yesterday...various colors and scale patterns, from typical scales to mirrors to leather (nearly scale-less). Here's a few. The middle one (silver mirror koi) in the first photo was the first:

Here's a few other standouts from the bunch:

And my favorite 2.... I've given them names.... "Rudolph" and "Campfire" (or maybe "Ember"?):

Last Summer before moving from Iowa, I caught some jumbo Goldfish...most in the 11"-13.75" range. Didn't really expect to find more in Missouri, but there were some mixed in with the Koi...not as big as the ones from Iowa, but still nice ones. Unlike the Iowa ones, these were visible and pretty aggressive.
I caught 7 yesterday, here's just a few: