Oh...and this happened on Saturday as well:
I was fishing, not really anyone nearby,...asphalt walking path behind me, trees on the others side. The trees really didn't overhang the path by much and didn't reach out over the water. I'm looking at the water and see a shadow appear. I'm watching the shadow, and then a big splash as whatever cast the shadow hit the water about 25' in front of me. I immediately looked up to see if a bird of prey was flying over and dropped something. No birds. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby messing with me. Nobody. I looked at the trees to see if whatever it was could have fallen from the trees into the water. Nope...the trees weren't close enough. That "thing" that hit the water was a squirrel. It never moved after it hit the water...I feel pretty certain it was dead before it hit the water. Has this happened to anyone? I can't seem to wrap my mind around a good explanation of where this dead squirrel came from. I've had stuff hit the water in front of me before while fishing (more than once)....but never a dead squirrel. Pretty bizarre.