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Thread: Small flys

  1. #1

    Default Small flys

    As any knows here In Michigan the best bug repellant is a 12 ga. with no less than #5 shot! Our Misquitoes are as big as a small bird! I've even heard them argue about eating me on the stream or taking me home!!
    When my buddies (?) see me tying #20's for a Colorado trip they think I'm nutz!! "You can't catch anything on that small a hook"!! My retort is "That is not a small hook here's a 26"!!
    I'll accept all replys to help put them straight!!


  2. #2


    I rarely tye or use flies larger than #18.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Golden, Co. USA


    Have them stick on of those #26 hooks in their finger with a tippet tied on and try to get loose.
    I know, I've had a few in my fingers. Even barbless they don't come out that easy.
    I'm with Pats Man. I live in Co. and tying a #16 seems huge.

  4. #4


    make that 3 of us. anything i fish is usually (95% o' the time) #18 or smaller. on a rare occasion, ill need a #16 caddis or brown mayfly, but ive never fished anything bigger than that which wasnt a streamer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Now THAT could be an accuracy contest......can you toss YOUR bug through the eye of MY bug? Sounds like most of them will fit!
    ......lee s.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    Philadelphia, PA, USA


    I could always send you a couple of size 32's to show them. Though these are the Tiemco's and not the eyeless gold Mustad ones.
    I use a lot of 22's and 24's, more midges than mayflies around here. I think one time in frustration I tied on a size 32 to tempt a fussy trout. I think the smallest I've caught a fish on is a size 28.
    I've spent a good portion of the winter tying for my bass and saltwater boxes. Now, I'm getting ready to fill in the spaces in my midge box. So from tying on size 2 to 3/0 hooks, I'm working at the opposite end of the spectrum, starting at size 20 and working down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    Last fall we were chronimid fishing with floating line and 9 ft leaders with 2ft tippet and #16 Chromies . We were doing fairly well for 12-14inch trout , about one every 20 minutes or so . For fun I had tied a single #20 Doc Spratley , just to see if I could do it . It turned out quite well , looks kinda like a mosquito , It was actually easier to tie a #20 than I thought it would be . At the lake My fishing buddy said , "I bet you can't catch anything with that dumb little fly You tied last week . I tied it on and almost instantly got a 12" trout .
    let it go and then had another on almost immediatly . 3 fish and the fly was almost destroyed , It lasted another 2 fish and I had to retire it . Whatever they thought it was they took it about 2ft down instead of the aprox 12 ft deep that the chronies were working at . I got a bunch tied for this Spring and my fingers crossed .

    Time is the fire that we burn in .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

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