At least it started life as an attempt at a Wickham. Again, more an experiment in dyeing, this time looking for shades of ginger; also dyed some bleached pheasant tail, which turned out well, but decided to go with natural on the back end to relieve the monochrome effect I got with first Musty Ruddler. Rob Denson's wet used fox squirrel for the wing but I liked how the marmot tail looked so I subbed.

The deer hair was left in the dye bath for a while and took on a darker, golden shade which I'm not unhappy with.

hook ? WFC Model 6 #6
thread - UTC 140 woodduck
tail - pheasant tail
rib - small wire gold
body - tinsel gold
hackle - grizzly dyed ginger (Mimosa - 4 Tsp Rit Golden Yellow, 1/2 Tsp Rit Camel/4 cups water)
wing - marmot tail
collar - chukar dyed ginger
head - deer hair dyed ginger
