I got up this morning and tied up a dozen black AP Nymphs while I was having my morning coffee and prior to starting on my "to do list" which included glueing up a large wood working project.

Using Gorilla glue which is a super strong and also super messy glue I ended up with glue all over my finger tips. Not wanting to stop in the middle of the project and clean my fingers with Acetone I just wiped them off as best as possible with a rag. I continued until I finished by which time the glue had firmly set on my fingers. Acetone now would not touch the hardened glue.

I spent most of the evening attempting to peel off the glue without great success before retiring to my tying bench to finish off a few more flies before bedtime. What a disaster - not only were my finger tips insulated from any real feeling. but they also snaged all the material with which I was working. Abort !

OK!, time to try another approach - out comes the emery board for some serious sanding. Oops! - that didn't work too well as the glue is so much toughter than my skin that I would have bloody tips before the glue diappeared.

So much for any more tying tonight. Tomorrow I'll try soaking my hands in hot water or wait for Mother Nature to make things right again.