Each and every stream I journey on has its own magic.

Cleanse my soul

""About three years ago I made a comment to an acquaintance about trout fishing being so important to me, and he dismissed it. He said trout fishing was the least important thing he does in life and I shouldn't make it so important.

I wholeheartedly disagree with him. Many people go to church to feel spiritual and be in touch with the universe. I go into the outdoors to cleanse my soul. All the things in life that bother me are melted away about a hundred yards from the truck. The fish are only a bonus in the whole scheme of things.

I no longer have contact with this angler.

Each and every stream I journey on has its own magic. From the tiny brook trout stream in southern Vernon County to my favorite large waterway in Richland I am renewed each time I wet a line.