Last year this time of year I thought I had seen the longest snake ever. The below snake looked just short of 6 feet.

Blue Bird Lane Gays Mills Wisconsin.

I have a fear/respect for snakes but I still love taking their photos.

This 3 footer was crossing the road on De Lamater Rd in rural Gays Mills.

The below 4 and a half footer was also on De Lamater Rd. rural Gays Mills

It posed for a photo after it chased me around the vehicle twice.

This almost 5 footer was sunning on the centerline. Near Sabin

This 4.5 footer posed on the centerline for me. Near Rolling Ground

I spent a moment stream side with the 4 footer while trout fishing.

Today on the way to my mother's I took the backway out of Richland Center on CTH Q. I was about 3 miles out of town and there it was crossing the road. I stopped to usher it across to make sure no one ran it over. Before I got out of my car for photos I looked at it's head shape and then checked out it's tail.

It was at least 6 and a half feet long closer to 7 feet.