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Thread: more protected species stuff....

  1. #1

    Default more protected species stuff....

    The Polar Bear post is good stuff. Even though many of us have tied flies for many years, the literature surrounding these laws are very, very confusing....OK, at least to me they are.

    If you look through the MBTA for example you'll see species listed that are relatively to very commonly used in fly-tying (Canada Goose, Mallard). Does that mean that the stuff we buy was all obtained through domestication? Or can it be domesticated and/or obtained via legal hunting?

    What if Joe Fly Tyer shoots, or obtains from a hunter friend, a nice Drake Mallard during the legal season somewhere in the world. Lops off the wings, ties a dandy Leadwing Coachman and sells that fly? Legal?

    If so, why is American Crow and no-no?

    Color me confused......

  2. #2


    For a lot more information than could be conveniently posted here check out the Winter 2002 and the Winter 2003 issues of Fly Tyer magazine. They will help some but some of the issues are still confusing.

  3. #3


    I believe that the fur/feathers from legally hunted game animals (waterfowl, grouse, etc) is allowed to be used in the tying of flies?

    There was some discussion about it, awhile back here.

    The last time I took the Mig Bird Workshop, Crows, Magpies, and Starlings were not considered protected under the MB Act. That is Canadian though... it may not be the same for you folks south of the 49, but it is an international treaty so it should be similar.
    and [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/002532.html:74803]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/002532.html[/url:74803]
    and [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/003078.html:74803]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/003078.html[/url:74803]

    Tyeflies posted this here awhile ago...
    "PART 20--MIGRATORY BIRD HUNTING--Table of Contents

    Subpart J--Feathers or Skins

    Sec. 20.91 Commercial use of feathers.

    Any person may possess, purchase, sell, barter, or transport for the
    making of fishing flies, bed pillows, and mattresses, and for similar
    commercial uses the feathers of migratory waterfowl (ducks, geese,
    brant, and swans) killed by hunting pursuant to this part, or seized and
    condemned by Federal or State game authorities, except that:
    (a) No person shall purchase, sell, barter, or offer to purchase,
    sell, or barter for millinery or ornamental use the feathers of
    migratory game birds taken under authority of this part; and
    (b) No person shall purchase, sell, barter, or offer to purchase,
    sell, or barter mounted specimens of migratory game birds taken under
    authority of this part."


    Paul H.


    "A dry fly on the rise is the beauty mark of a lovely river."

  4. #4


    My confusion is that Wood Ducks are on the CITES list, mallards and Canada Geese are on the MBTA...these three (and more) are all sold for use in fly-tying.

    Crows are a BIG no-no in the US..but we can hunt them. Why? I have crow feathers from a stuffed bird..I know I cannot sell the flies I tie with those feathers but I'm under the impression that since the feathers were given to me I can tie with them for my personal-use flies.

    Still confused......I've been tying for a long time and have yet to get a good answer. Glad I don't own a shop!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    The only coot feather you can use are those from a bird you shoot yourself.

    Crazry rule but it is true. A coot does not have a webbed fooot so it is like a flamingo for selling puropses.


  6. #6


    not to mention coots are a fish eater and a colony can put some serious hurting on the local fish too.......

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