Han's that is why people can't get me to commit to one pattern. I guided to much to get hooked into the "one pattern is the best" type of thing. I learned to get to the river and let it tell me what I should be using. In the one fly I think that is the only fly that you can have in the boat? So I would guess you would have to pick your fly awhile before you start fishing? Not something I like to do. Even though I can make a good guess at what might work I just hate to do that until I have seen what is going on. I guess it is just knowing the water that you are going to fish and what hatch is coming off and what will be happening that day if it is sunny or raining and so on. Time on the water makes that all a lot easier.
It would also be hard for someone from another area to pick a good fly for the river the one fly is fished on if they had not fished it before. Ron

[This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 13 April 2005).]