Scaled-down version of Leon Links' EHC salmon fly; added the partridge collar for a bit of bugginess. Change color/size to suit your needs.

hook - TMC 5212 #10
thread - MFC 8/0 sand
rib - x-small wire silver
body - Uni-stretch yellow
hackle - light ginger (undersize by 2)
collar - partridge
wing - caribou

Part 1

mash barb, start thread at 80 mark; tie in rib and Uni-stretch, wrap to bend

wrap Uni-stretch back to tie-in (let thread hang down against turns of Uni, compacting/creating smooth body); tie off/trim

tie in hackle; palmer to bend

capture tip of hackle with rib, continue forward thru hackle, helicopter end, cover with thread; trim hackle tip

tie in partridge by tip; wrap, tie off/trim