Softhackle variation of Lawson's Halfback Emerger; good genes. Tied here as a callibaetis; change color/size to suit your needs.

hook - Dai Riki 320 #14
thread/rib - Uni 8/0 tan
tail - woodduck flank
abdomen - turkey biot grey/tan
shellback/head - yearling elk
thorax - Ice Dub hare's ear
hackle - partridge

Part 1

mash barb, start thread at 2/3 mark; wrap to bend

measure (shank length) some woodduck flank; tie in/trim

tie in (moistened) biot (notch side down for ribbed effect); wrap to 2/3 mark, tie off/trim

clean/stack some elk hair; trim tips/tie in

dub thread/dub thorax