I have a Renzetti Presentation that has a little end play. The bent shaft moves ever-so slightly axially. It is a small amount of slop but it just bugs me.
Reading the directions this can be caused by wear or when it is disassembled for cleaning. It is supposedly eliminated by adjusting the 'actuator support'. I took of the Phillips end screw, end cap and rotary actuator, backed out the 3/32" Allen screw from inside and am now stuck. The actuator support will not budge. I spoke with Mr. Renzetti Friday and he said the actuator support is threaded. Couldn't prove that by me. It is so tight my guess is that it is welded!
The soft brass and aluminum those parts are made of don't take kindly to pliers, Channel-Locks, Vise-Grips or pipe wrenches I would imagine. I need to fix that play. If anyone has been successful in eliminating that end play please send advice.
