
Thank you for the response. I'm curious though why you wouldn't post a negative (perhaps I should state fair but not 4-5 star) review? In re-looking over the reviews of the shop the guide I was assigned is mentioned many times by name and all reports are positive. Now I'm willing 100% to grant he was having an off day, got called in on what should have been his day off, or any number of other reasons for his suggestion to fish close rather than further afield. I'm not one for "elevator pitch" reviews so I'd be honest in my assessment that I requested and apple and the guide provided an orange. This is more of a "negative" for the guide rather than the shop, but my assumption is the shop should still exert some control over the guide and his actions.

That being said I'm more than willing to contact the owner of the shop and make my views on the trip known to him. At that point I'll consider whether or not to post a less than glowing review of the shop, or post a review indicating the owner made it right in light of a poor trip.

Also, thank you for the comments. Unfortunately, your thoughts echo my own the more I've thought about it.
