Hi Pat,
I can give my view point on fishing with guides but I guess its different with everyone you meet. When I go with a guide I am looking for someone to teach me as much as I can about the location and technigues
to use in that area, I ask a lot of questions. I understand bad conditions happen too high/low/hot etc, I look for a guide who just tries his best with what conditions he has at hand and sometimes as a bonus things workout and we get into fish. While I am serious about fishing I also like to laugh and relax, otherwise I might as well go back to work. My wife still can't understand how I can wade the flats and she hears me and my guide laughing a mile away, and I still catch fish. The key is when we see fish we are serious for the precious minute or so, then I either hook up or blow the shot and its back to laughing, no whining for me, maybe a oh @#$% and thats it! I find if I am more relaxed with the guide I cast/fish better and it takes a little presure off on both of us.
Oh, also,please don't call me sir more than once, I know who my parents are!!!!
Take Care,