On one of the rare occasions that my dad took me hunting with him in the "Green Mountain" state of Vermont we also experienced an incredible snow day. Snow had fallen overnight to about eight or so inches and it was a cold but pretty much wind free day. Dad said to walk slowly and carefully and we are going to pause and listen every now and then. With all the fresh snow any noise coming from ground leaf coverage was out of the question but we listened every now and then anyway. I saw something slowly going in and out of a rock wall and brought dads attention to it. Turned out to be an albino looking weasel or something of that type. Memory of mine also has a slight problem going back about 63 years ago to 1952. As we slowly worked our way along I noticed that the few birds around had suddenly stopped chirping and there was now dead silence. Suddenly huge snow flakes starting coming straight down due to absolutely no wind. It was so quiet you could sometimes hear them touch down on tree limbs and such as they were so heavy. A few minutes later came an occasion I've never seen repeated before or since. An all consuming fog started slowly rising from the ground up instead of descending as usual. In a very short time our visibility was near zero. We could hardly see to the end of a rifle if we held it up. Dad said we'd have to stop and just sit for a while till visibility returned to more then the zero we were in now. We sat for quite a while and I lost track of time while trying to hear anything at all. Only an occasional dropping of a snow laden tree branch full disturbed our time. Many times I have wished for a camera that day to record the scenes. That day would be my first Bucket List item to record.

Thanks for sparking my memory Spinner.

Grn Mt Man